Monday, July 26, 2010


Infantillized images of a grown woman is not hard to find in our society. As an example, here is a image of Megan Fox dressed up in a school girl outfit for her movie poster. For some reason, many people especially male audiences are attracted by such representation of woman, and it has been used repeatedly as marketing strategies. I personally believe that reason why some men are attracted to infantillization has to do with women having more power in society. I think some men are attracted to obedient and helpless women figures whom are harder to find in current society where women are illustrated as independent figure with equal rights and power.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Different ways death is addressed.

Images of death has changed from posthumous portraits that cherished the image of dead people to photographs that makes mockery of death. I feel that death no longer is a sacred experience, at least to the public. Now I feel that the explicit images of death are tools to capture viewers attentions.
I feel that images about death, and gory imagery are very often used, and it almost came to a point that I don't remember nice happy good imagery anymore. Artists always use death to create controversies, and try to seperate themselves from normal photographers.